Education Programs

Field Trips

Fun and educational visits for schools, Daycares, summer camps, churches & more

Field Trips include:

Minimum group size is 10; maximum is 200. Chaperone ratio may be required.


To book a field trip, CLICK HERE or call us @ (228) 284-5731.

Tykes and Trains preschool program

Tykes & Trains

early childhood education program the second tuesday of each month @ 9:30 am

Research shows that a child’s IQ can actually be raised by as much as 25 points if they are exposed to a rich learning environment before age 3.

Homeschool WednesDays

"Field Trips" to TrainTastic for homeschoolers at special group rates

Homeschool students are invited every Wednesday throughout the school year to visit the STEAM lab for an educational activity, tour the museum, explore our interactive exhibits, take a ride on our outdoor train, and visit PlayVille Station with an indoor climber and slides.

CLICK HERE to register for Tykes & Trains and Homeschool Wednesdays.

TrainTastic Summer Camp

Donate Today!

It takes a village to keep our TrainTastic operations running smoothly! Our museum is powered by a small admission fee, donations and volunteers. We appreciate and welcome all the support we can get on board!

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