Help keep the trains running!
It takes a village to keep our TrainTastic operations running smoothly! Our museum is powered by a small admission fee, donations and volunteers. We appreciate and welcome all the support we can get on board!
Boosted posts for events
Monthly energy costs
Upgrades & repairs
Staffing & materials for an event
Promotions for Summer Camp
Materials for learing programs
Paint to freshen up key areas
Supplies for basic operations
Boosted Facebook posts
New toy for the toddler area
Fresh items for role-play
Blocks & Legos for our builders
Seasonal decorations
Materials for STEAM Lab activities
Printing scavenger hunts
Art supplies for Tykes & Trains
Mississippi Coast Model Railroad Museum dba ‘TrainTastic’ is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization and all donations are tax deductible.